Healthcare News
What You Should Know About Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries
A biceps tendon injury is a tear or rupture of connective tissue that connects the biceps muscle of the upper arm to bones at either the shoulder (proximal tendon) or elbow (distal tendon).
Managing Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
In a recent propensity matched analysis, patients who opted for surgery experienced superior outcomes compared with patients who decided to try non-operative management first.
Medial Elbow Exposure: An Anatomic Comparison Of Five Approaches
Several surgical approaches to the medial elbow are described, however it remains unclear which exposure provides the optimal view of relevant medial elbow structures. The purpose of this anatomic study was to determine the visible surface area of the coronoid process, distal humerus and radial head through five approaches to the medial elbow.
Return to sporting activity after ulnar nerve transposition for isolated neuritis in competitive overhead athletes
Although ulnar neuritis can occur secondary to ulnar collateral ligament pathology, stress fractures, and traction apophysitis, isolated ulnar nerve dysfunction can lead to medial elbow pain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term outcomes of overhead athletes undergoing anterior ulnar nerve transposition for ulnar neuropathy.
High-Intensity Shoulder Abduction Exercise in Subacromial Pain Syndrome
Purpose: To determine if adding high intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) of the rotator cuff to usual care was feasible in SAPS, and improved shoulder endurance more than usual care alone. Additionally, to examine the influence on shoulder pain and disability and the response of tendinous microcirculation following HIIT.